So i finally made a blog! To me this is a big accomplishment because i had to figure out how to make the sign in page not in korean. he he, but i did it. yeah for me!
So i'm going to give everyone a tour of our place here in Korea. YEAH! So just so you know a little bit about our place, we live in a sky-rise called Park Towers. We are on the 19th floor. there are 4 apartments on this floor all of which have about the same square footage as us, which is 1800 sq. ft. (we can fit a full family in this place) I will say one thing about our place is that there is way too much space for just the two of us... and i will show you why i say that. :)

This is the view from the living room, you can see the entrance to the base and the doggie park. Plus a few other things, like if there are taxies at the hospital :)

This is another view we have. I have to say that Korea is really pretty at night when you are 19 floors up and all the lights are against the night sky. Sunrise and sunset are beautiful!

It’s the main entrance, it's long and has a huge mirror that i look at every time before i leave. Sometimes i even stop myself from leaving cause my hair looks bad. >.< It is here that we keep our coats, shoes, bags, purses, etc.
This is the living/dinning room, behind the couch is this table where we eat most of the time. The furniture was provided by the army. I like it all except the couch and the bed. The whole place has wood flooring except the bathrooms, the balcony areas, and the entrance.

Once you come in the entrance the living room is off to your left. As you can see in this picture, there is the dinning room table and the kitchen.

This is the kitchen, i'm going to have to take pictures and a video of all the funny things that are in the kitchen. Just so you know now we have 2 refrigerators. One is built in and the other (as you can see) is a regular one (also provided by army). I will say i like my kitchen, but cause of the lack of storage i don't love it. Grammy be proud i don't have a microwave. HA HA!

This is the room off the kitchen, (see door in earlier picture). To the left we have the veggie and rice fridge (know to the koreans as the kimche fridge) i've never used this for anything other than to put my rice in it...and that is just to have it in a cool dry place. To the right we have the washing machine....i just want to put this out now but all the electronics and gizmos in our place (other than the dryer and army fridge) are in korean...and yes we use the washer weekly. (Jordon made out cards when the guy was explaining things to him, i love my honey)

This is the family room, and it's much bigger than the picture shows. This is the first room you come to after you come in and go to the right of the main entrance. This room is completely empty right now. I'm trying to convince Jordon that we should move the tv and entertainment stuff we have into this room, but i don't think that is going to happen. So, it's going to turn into my space :)

This is the guest room, and there is a bed in the guest room. Off the guest room is a balcony and to the left of the room is the office that i forgot to take a picture of, i'm a space case. You can get to the balcony (which is enclosed) from the office and the guest room. It's a nice size balcony too.

Guest bathroom, well more like Jordon's bathroom cause he likes the shower in this one better than the master bathroom. I love having 2 bathrooms!

Master Bedroom. This is our huge bedroom, as you can see though in the picture in the distance is the wonderful dryer :( It's in our balcony area, which has now become the dogs area too... and to think i was going to use this area for growing some plants...can't now because Jack (puppy) will knock them down or eat them -_-'
This is still the master bedroom, straight ahead is the vanity and actually to the left of this picture is the built in closets. I love them now cause it's somewhere that Jack can't get into things and get hair on or chew on things. :)

This is the master bathroom. As you can tell by now that there are a lot of mirrors in our apartment. Surprisingly i only really look at myself in the mirror 2x at least in the mirror (once when i get dressed and when i go into the bathroom) everything else is at a glance :(
To the right of this picture is the shower/ spa tub, it take forever to fill the tub up so i rarely take a bath anymore.
So that is it for the tour of the place. Since i took these picture we have gotten a small rug for the living room and a dog (plus all this toys). It's nice being here and having this apartment, but Jordon and i can't wait till we finally have a house of our own (with a yard for Jack).
Getting a job: So i had met with a resume coach (before we got the dog) and i'm finally able to have free time to go see her again and finally get a job. It's been had with having to spend most of my time housebreaking Jack and also getting our place filled with the weekly things. I have to say that i think that even with the unexpected addition to our family and the minor set backs, everything is going to plan. My goal is to have a job by the end of May.
Jordon and the Army: As you may not know but Jordon works in the hospital for the army. When he first came here he did air-evac (get patients in and out of their hospital to other more suitable hospitals for various reasons). Well since i got here they decided to switch him out of that area and move him in to PAD (patient administrations department) where he admits people to the hospital and does various PAD stuff. His schedule went from a M-F, 8 hour days to 12 hour rotating schedule, and now it's the 12 hour rotating schedule but he works nights. So, needless to say his NCOs are wonderful crazy people who don't realize have the time what they are doing. Well the good things about him going to nights now is i get to actually spend more time with Jordon, he doesn't have to do PT (mandatory workout every M-W-F) and no more Sgt's Time on thursdays. I think God has thrown jordon a bone here cause he was getting to the point of being over worked. -_-'
Well i have more to come later. I would like to share my first festival experience with everyone, lots of cool pictures and there are so many pretty things in South Korea! EEPPS! I'm excited!
Love the optimistic Jessy!
My pumpkins, what a lovely apartment you have and way more furniture than I pictured. You do not need curtains as your view is picturesque. But I do agree that you need carpets!
ReplyDeleteNeed curtains for when we want to watch the tv. There is a horrible glare =(