Friday, December 11

As they say...

Better late then never.


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. My friend Sandra and I made a turkey and all the side together in my small kitchen.We had a lot of our friends over so it was a nice warm family event. Jordon and some of the guys played UNO most of the day and our friend's boys played on Jordon's PSP. I made Apple Pie and Pumpkin Pie (which really didn't get eaten that night). Overall Thanksgiving was a very eventful and fun day here.

Chrsitmas and up to it.

A week before Christmas we still didn't have a tree. While we where out shopping for Christmas presents, we saw a little tree on display and thought that it would be nice if we could buy that (it was a display tree, didn't think it'd be for sale). Jordon decided to ask anyways and our answer was it was. Mind you the tree is all decorated, has lights on it, and is about 5 ft tall. We got it for $25 with all the decorations lol, talk about luck. I have pictures but they are sadly not on my new computer, after Tina sent us some decorations it was a perfect first Christmas tree for us.
Now, I got spoiled for Christmas, Jordon had bought me a new computer, an iMac. So i now have a new computer to have at home all the time with me and to have the MagicJack hooked up to all the time now. Christmas day was a nice day for us, we had 2 of Jordon's co-workers and fellow soldier over that morning. Started off with having breakfast, which was strawberry pankcakes and eggs. Jordon opened his gifts he got a RC car and Wii game and was already playing his other (computer game). Jack got some new bones so he was already chomping down on those. I got a yoga mat and a Mug that says "I Love You". It was a pretty lazy day for us, i think we had Taco Salad that night for dinner lol.

Sorry there are no pictures. Hopefully next time :)