Monday, April 27

being home...

This last sunday i finally did my first (in person) Partylite show. I'm going to be a very big critic and say that the show sucked. Only 2 people showed up and Jordon was being squirmish like a little kid. Well i have a few days till the end of April and the guest specials are really nice right now so maybe i can get some orders from some people at Jordon's work. hmmm... lets hope. 

on another note, our puppy is getting bigger, and he's still as funny as ever. He can finally hold his little bladder till we go out side and he is Housebroken. CHEERS!!! This is making sleeping so much better. He's almost 4 months old and is a very smart puppy. Only thing we need to work on is the coming when called and sitting every time we say "sit". Other things are being taught too, but we need to at least get those set in his brain. He is a wonderful puppy, most of the time, and is a great patients learner for Jordon. 

1 comment:

  1. Keep working with Jack, time spent training while he is young pays handsome dividends later on! Glad your doing well, Debbie and I are working on remodling our bedroom, new furniture and all that painting stuff we do :)
