Wednesday, July 22

Time? What's that?

So since coming back from my cousin sean's wedding, we've had a bit of a busy schedule.

-I have been working on getting a job and have finally decided to semi hang the idea and do Partylite (over joy me), but i now have an offer to watch a 4 year old little girl monday- friday, i get the interview this Thursday :) So if there are any suggestions as to a good education itinerary for a 4 year old, i would be much obliged.

-Also, my little puppy doubled in size, if you can believe that, in the 2 weeks i was gone. He now knows 2 more commands. So it come to a total of...sit, stay, drop it, leave it, come here, no, balance a treat on his nose, and ok...8. I feel so accomplished now.

-I finally unpacked all of the boxes and we are officially moved in. Yet somehow our house is still needing furniture, but i guess you can say that is due to us not owning any yet. I have organized the office so we can actually use it as an office/computer room. The guest room is officially ready for guests and i everything now has a home. There really is something satisfying about everything having a home.

-I'm enrolled in school again. I'm going to be starting out going for my general education requirements then moving on to another school and starting on my major of Nutrition/ Dietetics. That way i can become a Dietitian and do something that i love more than cooking. Telling other how to eat well (ask Tina). My ultimate goal is to work with families and mostly children/ teens, to show them that you don't need to spend lots of money or think too much on it to eat well and to have a balanced diet. (plus it's my fight against too much fast food)

-Jordon took his ASFAB test over again and got 10 points higher across that board. This means now he can go on to be an Officer in the military, but first he needs to go do more schooling. So that means that we will more than likely be state side for our next duty station, which also means cheaper plane tickets to go visit people. YEAH!!

I now have a deeper understanding of what my mom says when she says she doesn't have time to do that. (plus i'm horrible at time management)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I've got lots of ideas about education ideas for a 4 year old! Let me know *when* you get the job and I'll send over some of my favorite websites, books, etc. Fun! Congrats ahead of time.
